
Gvido Augusts (1932- )

"Born in Latvia in 1932, Augusts immigrated to the United States, settling in Northern California in 1950. He studied at San Jose State College and the San Francisco Art Institute; by 1960 he was living and working in Berkeley, Calif., just as the huge social upheavals of that era were beginning. Actively exhibiting in the Bay Area since his first one- man show at the Vorpal Gallery in 1964, throughout the remainder of the decade, further solo exhibitions at galleries, universities, and art museums followed, including in 1968 a commission from the University of California art museum to produce posters for a film retrospective of Jean-Luc Godard’s work, including a poster for the U.S. Premiere of Godard’s "La Chinoise." In 1968, Augusts established Gvido Press in Los Altos, Calif., which would in the years to come produce hundreds of different prints, portfolios, and illustrated books." (

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Die Rückkehr aus Italien. Goethes Notizheft 1788
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